SO excited! The long-awaited 4th edition of Soap and Cosmetic Labeling: How to Follow the Rules and Regs is done and live on Amazon for purchase!!!
Why Now?
On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA) into law. With the stoke of a pen, we had the first major update to the law governing cosmetics in the US in over 80 years.
It wasn’t unexpected. It was, luckily, not nearly as bad as it might have been. Nonetheless, there are changes. There are new laws and new responsibilities for all who make cosmetics or who have their name on the label of a cosmetic product. And the FDA has new and expanded authorities.
It’s taken a while for the law to work its way through the system and get implemented. Now, after 2 years, most of it is in place and those new requirements are all in place.
In addition, and besides MoCRA, since the publication of the 3rd edition in 2015, there have been new laws in several states that affect soap and cosmetic makers. There have also been new or amended federal regulations governing marketing approaches that small businesses may use.
What’s New?
To start with, the book is larger (7 x 10) and contains 80 additional pages!!!

The 4th edition contains all of the details and requirements for correctly labeling your products (as did the 3rd edition) along with nearly 50 additional images, diagrams, and examples to help make all those details easier to understand. In addition, all of the special terminology and legalese words are clearly defined the first time they are used and are included in a glossary at the end of the book.
The additional requirements under MoCRA are all included, explained in plain English so you can tell what applies to you and what doesn’t.
Since 2015, there have been new laws passed in several states that specifically address requirements for soap and cosmetic makers. There have also been some more general federal laws and regulations issued which could apply in certain circumstances to soap and cosmetic makers.

Whether you are new to cosmetic product labeling, are updating old labels or doing a complete rebrand, there can be significant relief and peace of mind from knowing you have done everything you can to do it right to protect your products and your business.
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