All Blog Posts

  • What Is the “Common Name”?

    What Is the “Common Name”?

    The FDA has said that the “common name”1 is required for cosmetic ingredients. But what does that mean, exactly?… Let me tell you the story of the Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary, and INCI names. Once Upon a Time Back in the 1970’s, a book called the Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary (CID) was published by the Cosmetic Toiletries and […]

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  • Unpackaged Cosmetic Products

    Unpackaged Cosmetic Products

    We all know that the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act requires that all consumer products (including cosmetics) have the identity of the product and the net contents on the front, as well as the name and address of the manufacturer somewhere on the label. Cosmetics also require a list of their ingredients. Here’s a question […]

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  • Proposed Revisions to Labeling Regulations Under the FPLA

    Proposed Revisions to Labeling Regulations Under the FPLA

    Update:  The final rule was published in the Federal Register, but the online federal regulations have not yet been updated (See FTC updates business address requirements) The Federal Trade Commission is looking to update their regulations under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, and “modernize the place-of-business listing requirement.” These are the regulations that apply to […]

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  • Helpful Pages from Updated FDA Site

    Helpful Pages from Updated FDA Site

    The FDA continues (as of 2015) to update their website, clarifying and making things more understandable. I love the new articles as they are very clear and easy to understand (as well as many of them being targetted to small and emerging business).  The only thing is that they are a little hard to find! I […]

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  • Labeling Book 2015 Edition – Preorder

    Well, it’s finally happened. I’m OUT OF STOCK on the 2nd Edition of the book (2010)! The 2015 updated 3rd Edition (I’m calling it the “purple edition”) is almost finished. I’m on the final round of edits and updates. In a way, it’s good that the project was delayed a bit because now I’ll be […]

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  • FDA Responds to HSCG PO Box Petition

    FDA Responds to HSCG PO Box Petition

    As handcrafters, often working out of our homes, it’s always been an issue that the street address is required on our product labels (unless published in a current phone or city directory). The Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild (HSCG) just announced that the petition they filed with the FDA in 2012 to allow the use […]

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  • Liquid Soapmaking by Jackie Thompson

    Liquid Soapmaking by Jackie Thompson

    Jackie Thompson’s long awaited book, Liquid Soapmaking, is finally here—and more than worth the wait! For those who make handcrafted soap bars, transitioning to making liquid soap can be daunting. While the chemistry is essentially the same, when it comes to the finished product, opaque bar soap is much more forgiving than liquid soap that […]

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  • Cosmetic Claims and Required Approval

    Cosmetic Claims and Required Approval

    Recently (2014) there has been some discussion online (in a Facebook Group) as a result of a report of a conversation with someone from the FDA. The report was that this FDA representative said that if you wanted to use the word “moisturizing” to describe a soap, then your recipe would need to be submitted […]

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  • FDA Sends Warning Letters to Two Essential Oil MLMs

    FDA Sends Warning Letters to Two Essential Oil MLMs

    I have posted numerous times, including here and here, about FDA warning letters concerning “drug claims” used for supposedly cosmetic products. After those posts went up, I had a number of people tell me about several national companies selling essential oils that were making all sorts of claims, and asking why they could get away with […]

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  • Updated Info on FDA site

    The FDA recently updated several pages on their website that have to do with cosmetics. The regulations haven’t changed, but it appears that they are continuing in their trend to making them more understandable (although it is still a bit difficult to find things when you need them). Here’s a brief overview of some of […]

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  • Quest for the Perfect Pickle and GMP

    Quest for the Perfect Pickle and GMP

    This last week has been shaped by the bounty from our garden. I realized that keeping track of all the canning recipes is just one piece of good manufacturing practices

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  • Calculating Percentages for Blended Ingredients

    Calculating Percentages for Blended Ingredients

    Ingredients are supposed to be listed in the ingredient declaration in “descending order of predominance.” In other words, the ingredient at the highest percentage (by weight) goes first, then then next highest, etc. Ingredients that are present at less than 1% can be listed in any order following the ingredients present at 1% or greater. […]

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