All Blog Posts

  • Good Manufacturing Practices – Part 2

    In this continuation of my series on Good Manufacturing Practices for small cosmetics manufacturers, we’ll look at the recommended practices for handling raw materials, production and laboratory controls.  (See Good Manufacturing Practices – Part 1 for the first of the series.)

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  • Good Manufacturing Practices – Part 1

    This is the first of a series of posts on the subject of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for cosmetics, especially as applicable to making handcrafted cosmetics in small batches. The Regulations Cosmetics are sort of the bastard child when it comes to GMP regulations. Both drugs and food have GMP standards set out in the […]

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  • Drug Claims and Lip Balm

    Drug Claims and Lip Balm

    I just returned from the 2011 Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild Annual Conference in Miami. It was terrific! This year I went as a speaker and a vendor, and had time to enjoy some of the other speakers and presenters. I loved seeing Barbara Corcoran and had the privilege of having breakfast with her and several of […]

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  • L. Ron Hubbard 100th Birthday Event

    Last week we went to the L. Ron Hubbard 100th birthday event hosted by the Church of Portland.  It was attended by several hundred people—it was great to see old friends. Much of the event was dedicated to a retrospective look at the life of L. Ron Hubbard, especially the many endeavors and adventures in […]

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  • Labeling … of People

    Name calling. In grade school it’s a tool of the bullies to make others feel bad.  Even though you can SAY “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” truth is, words, be it name calling or labeling, CAN hurt. Maybe not physically, like sticks and stones, but personally, emotionally, and […]

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  • Labeling Workshop – Feb 5, 2011

    It’s just been finalized that I will be doing a Labeling Workshop at The Nova Studio in Point Richmond, California on February 5, 2011.  Actually, two sessions are planned (one for the morning and one for the afternoon), depending on how many people sign up. The 4-hour class will cover the following:

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  • Ground Burning the Oak Savannah

    It’s not often that one gets the opportunity to set fire to 25 acres of grass, brush and slash, but that’s what we got to do yesterday. “Why?” you might ask. Well … An Oak Savannah is an area that typically has about 20 – 30 mature oaks per acre, with grass underneath.  Untouched by humans, they […]

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  • “Soap” by Martin Gardner

    “Soap” by Martin Gardner

    Poem by Martin Gardner called “Soap”.

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  • Proctor & Gamble Out of Soap Operas

    Proctor & Gamble Out of Soap Operas

    As the World Turns, Proctor and Gamble’s last soap opera is going off the air with it’s last episode (the 13,661st!) to air in September. Their other remaining soap opera, Guiding Light, was canceled in April, 2009. That ends their 76 years in the soap opera business.

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  • Christmas and Family

    Christmas and Family

    I’ve been doing quite a bit of genealogy work recently, gathering up family documents and entering them into my new Family Tree Maker software. Genealogy and documenting my family tree is something I’ve been working on for many years and now I finally feel like I’m getting a handle on it. In doing some research […]

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  • “Harsh” Lye Soap

    “Harsh” Lye Soap

    I am reading a series of books by S. M. Stirling about what happens when civilization as we know it loses electricity, internal combustion, and gunpowder, as the result of an event the author calls “The Change.” In the years after The Change, the inhabitants of the Willamette Valley in Oregon have learned to cope, […]

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  • Clean Hands Week, Sept 20 – 26, 2009

    Clean Hands Week, Sept 20 – 26, 2009

    International Clean Hands Week is September 20 – 26, 2009. This is part of a bigger campaign by the Clean Hands Coalition to help people, especially children, understand the importance of handwashing to stay healthy. As Martha would say, “This is a good thing.”

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