Silent Birth – A New Perspective
The idea of a silent birth was a concept presented in Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, based on the premise that words spoken during pain or unconsciousness could have adverse effects on a person later in life. I’ve observed it to be true myself, both from my own personal recall and from applying […]
Last night (Saturday) was one of the major events within the Church of Scientology—the celebration of L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday. There is an international event in Clearwater, Florida which is video’ed and then shipped out to all the outlying Churches so the parishioners there can watch it. I went to see it in Portland. I’m […]
Suggested SOPs
Good manufacturing practices cover anything and everything that could affect your product quality. It’s not just your master formula and how you make the products – it also includes all the OTHER things that make a difference. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) cover, your workspace, helpers, equipment, facilities, safety procedures, documentation, and quality control, which all […]
History of the Bath
After a lot of very interesting research, I’ve written an article on The History of the Bath. It was published as the cover article in the Handcrafted Soapmaker, which is the journal of the Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild. You can read the entire article here.
Saponifier Review of Soap & Cosmetic Labeling
I have to say I am just tickled with the review that Beth Byrne wrote about my book in the on-line soapmakers magazine, The Saponifier. When they said they were going to review the book I was happy, but I never expected such a glowing (and long) discussion of the book! I’ve always been a […]
United Airlines – Bad Customer Service
UNBELIEVABLY bad customer service! In the beginning of June (2007) I went to Burlington, Vermont. My trip back to Oregon, on June 8th was the absolute WORST travel experience I’ve ever had. It wasn’t because my flights were delayed by weather, or because I ended up having to spend the night in the Chicago airport, […]
Soap Cutting
Yesterday was the day for cutting soap. I made 8 batches several days ago and they’ve been wrapped in their blankets, patiently waiting to be cut. Now in the drying rack (see picture above) I have pumpkin spice, peach, swirled unscented, lovespell, sandalwood & amber and kumquat. Sort of an eclectic mix! I do so […]