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Calculating Percentages for Blended Ingredients


Ingredients are supposed to be listed in the ingredient declaration in “descending order of predominance.” In other words, the ingredient at the highest percentage (by weight) goes first, then then next highest, etc. Ingredients that are present at less than 1% can be listed in any order following the ingredients present at 1% or greater.

When a blended ingredient is used, all the component ingredients in it must be listed separately in the ingredient declaration, correctly placed in the descending order of predominance based on the component ingredient’s percentage of the entire formula.

So, how do you figure that out? Actually, it’s simple math, and not too hard when you know the formulas. Here’s an example:


Starting Formulation

Let’s say you are making soap. You purchased a blended oil as your base and added some shea butter. Your recipe might look like this:

blended oil50 oz
shea butter10 oz
lye8.67 oz
water17.6 oz
fragrance2 oz
Soap Ingredients

Blended Oil

Next, you need to calculate the of amount of each oil in the blended oil that is actually in your soap. In order to do this, you’ll need to get the percentages of the component ingredients from your supplier.

Let’s say the formula for the blended oils is:

coconut oil24%
olive oil26%
palm oil45%
castor oil5%
Blended Oil Percentages

The formulation has 50 oz of the blended oil, so to calculate the amount of each individual oil, multiply the total amount of blended oil by the percentage of the individual oil:

coconut oil24% x 50 oz (blended)= 12 oz
olive oil26% x 50 oz (blended)= 13 oz
palm oil45% x 50 oz (blended)= 22.5 oz
castor oil5% x 50 oz (blended)= 2.5 oz

Detailed formulation

So now your formulation actually looks like this:

coconut oil12 oz
olive oil13 oz
palm oil22.5 oz
castor oil2.5 oz
shea butter10 oz
lye8.67 oz
water17.6 oz
fragrance2 oz
TOTAL88.27 oz
The Formulation


Put it in order

Then put the ingredients in descending order by the amount, and there you have your order for your ingredient declaration.

palm oil22.5 oz
water17.6 oz
olive oil13 oz
coconut oil12 oz
shea butter10 oz
lye8.67 oz
castor oil2.5 oz
fragrance2 oz
Ingredients in Order

Ingredients: palm oil, water, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sodium hydroxide, castor oil, fragrance.

Calculate percentages

Sometimes it’s good to know the percentage of each ingredient. It’s helpful when resizing a recipe, and can also help with the ingredient declaration.

To calculate the percentage of each ingredient, divide the amount of that ingredient by the total amount:

coconut oil12 oz / 88.27= 13.59%
olive oil13 oz / 88.27= 14.73%
palm oil22.5 oz / 88.27= 25.49%
castor oil2.5 oz / 88.27= 2.83%
shea butter10 oz / 88.27= 11.33%
lye8.67 oz / 88.27= 9.82%
water17.6 oz / 88.27= 19.94%
fragrance2 oz / 88.27= 2.27%
Percentage of Each Ingredient

In this example, there aren’t any ingredients present at less than 1%. Sometimes, especially when dealing with blended ingredients in small quantities (like preservatives, for example), the resultant component ingredients are present at less than 1% of the total formulation. In those cases, the ingredients at less than 1% can be listed in any order, making the process easier.

4th edition Soap and Cosmetic Labeling by Marie Gale

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24 responses to “Calculating Percentages for Blended Ingredients”

  1. Tina R Bronson

    When using additives, such as botanical extracts, are the extracts part of the whole formula, or added in the end as a percentage of the total formula weight?

    1. Marie Gale

      All additives, including extracts, are part of the ingredients of the whole formula.

      For extracts, the liquid used for the extract and the extracted material are entered separately. For example, if you had calendula extracted (infused) in olive oil, the olive oil would be one ingredient (in the ingredient declaration based on the amount of olive oil) and the calendula extract would be in the ingredient declaration based on the amount of extracted material (typically unmeasurable, but usually a very small amount).

      You could try to put everything in descending order of predominance, but since you wouldn’t know the amount of calendula material by weight, that’s difficult. So you use the alternate order: List everything present at more than 1% in descending order of predominance – that would include the olive oil. Then list everything present at 1% or less in any order – that would include the calendula extract. After that, list color additives, regardless of amount.

      So if yu had

  2. Julie Mitchell

    Would these same principals work for mixing essential oil blends and carrier oils? I been trying to see how to order ingredients predominately as I’m first starting out so my labels are compliant. This seems very helpful in understanding.

    1. Marie Gale

      Yes, the math holds true.

      If you are preparing your formulation, the easiest way is to build the formulation in 10’s or 100’s of grams; then you can determine the percentages very easily.

  3. Hi Marie, thank you for the information. It is not clear what to do with the formulation that has both liquid and dry materials. Interested in INCI compliance. Much appreciate your advice and time.

    1. Have I understood you correctly that the concentration of all ingredients wether they are liquid or dry are determined by weight?
    2. What if there are multiple dry or a liquid material that are the same concentration (weight), do I list it in any specific order or alphabetic?
    3. What if I have a plant infused oil with over 20 plants, plus other oils blended together. Do I list the most predominant oil that I have infused plants into and then list the plants by predominant concentration between this symbols [ …. ] following with the predominance of the rest of the oils? Or do I just weight each ingredient (oils and plants), determine their concentration and list in that order?

    Thank you co much!

    1. In answer to your questions:

      1. Yes, both liquid and dry materials should be calculated by weight, and that should be the amount used to determine the “descending order of predominance” in the ingredient declaration.
      2. If two items are present at the same percentage, there aren’t any specifications stating which should go first.
      3. For an infusion, you have to calculate the percentage of EACH ingredient in the WHOLE of the product. It takes some math. For the plant materials, the actual plant components remaining in the oils after the materials are removed is probably less than 1% of the whole product, so they could be listed in any order after the ingredients present at more than 1%.
  4. tadesse alemu

    hi marie glae
    please support me if its possible i extract spear mint oil for example to extract the oil i use such ingredients
    mint :500gm,vegetable oil :1lt, water 15lt how to calculat in percentage????

    1. Marie Gale

      Based on the information you provided, you have the oil and water in liters and the mint in grams. You need everything by weight in order to calculate percentages. That, however, won’t really tell you the amount of mint oil that remains when you remove the leaves after infusing.

      It is also confusing that you have both oil and water in your list. They don’t mix, so I would be uncertain as to where the mint oil is.

  5. Samarth

    Dear Sir/Ma’am,

    Good Morning !!

    Please help me is it possible the ingredients are more than 100% to display in back side of the products

    suppose my list of ingredients are ..

    coconut chips 650gm
    sugar 320gm
    liquid glucose 130gm ,

    then what is the percentage of the above ingredients please help me.


    1. Marie Gale

      It is not possible to have more than 100% of your ingredients.

      If your components of a blended ingredient are as you listed, then the whole of the blended ingredient is 1100 gm.

      coconut chips = 630 / 1100 = .591 = 59.1% of the blended ingredient.
      sugar = 320 / 1100 = .291 – 29.1% of the blended ingredient.
      liquid glucose = 130 / 1100 = .128 = 12.8% of the blended ingredient.

      (NOTE: I rounded to 3 decimal points)

      If those are components of a blended ingredient, then take the percentage that the blended ingredient is in the WHOLE recipe and multiply each to see the percentage of the blended ingredient components in the whole.

      Let’s say the blended ingredient (made up of coconut chips, sugar and liquid glucose) is 20% of your total product recipe.

      Then to calulate the percentage of each component ingredient in the whole it would be:

      coconut chips 59.1% of 20% = .591 x 20% = 11.82% (of the whole)
      sugar 29.1% of 20% = .291 x 20% = 5.82% (of the whole)
      liquid glucose 12.8% of 20% = .128 x 20% = 2.56% (of the whole)

      So your 20% of blended ingredient is replaced in the ingredient declaration by coconut chips, sugar and liquid glucose placed in descending order of predominance based on their percentage of the whole.

  6. Roper Belew


    I am blending dry powder. I am looking to get to a 20% protein and 20% fat level. Below are my ingredients, along with protein % and fat %. I have listed them in ascending order. Please help me!

    Whey – protein 11% fat 2%
    Animal fat – protein 7% fat 60%
    WPC – protein 34% fat 4%
    Whole milk – protein 23% fat 13%

    I’m trying to figure how many pounds of each ingredient I need to have a 20% protein and a 20%fat. The total weight is 1 metric ton 2000lbs.

    1. Marie Gale

      I’m sorry, this isn’t something I can help you with.

  7. Marie Gale

    Thank you. I’ve corrected the total. The percentage calculations were still correct.

  8. Nneka Otim

    Hi Marie!

    This article has been very helpful but I am still having a problem with the “Calculating Percentages” sample that you gave us. I tried dividing the amount of the ingredient by the total amount and still didn’t come up with the number you have? For an example when I divided 12oz./88.27 my answer is 7.35? How did you get 14.41%?

    1. Marie Gale

      Well, there was a typo in the calculations (not the total); it should be 12 / 88.27 and it will equal .1359 (13.59%).

      I tried a number of ways, and couldn’t get an answer of 7.35, so I’m not sure what you are doing.

  9. What if you can’t get a percentage list for a blended ingredient, like Foaming Bath Whip? I can’t find a supplier who knows that info, let alone will give it out, so how do I figure out how to label stuff I make with it?

    1. Marie Gale

      You may not be able to get an ingredient list with exact percentages, but the manufacturer or supplier might tell you where to place an additive (such as the fragrance) in the ingredient declaration. Also, remember that ingredients present at 1% or less can go after all other ingredients present at greater than 1%, and any color additives can go after the ingredients present at 1% or less (at the very end) regardless of percentage. So if you are only adding fragrance (at 1% or less) and color, you can correctly place those without any additional information from the supplier.

      However, if you can’t get sufficient information to correctly label your product, you might want to consider a different supplier.

  10. Help me calculate this please:
    Polawax 8.00
    Cetyl Alcohol 0.50
    Stearyl Alcohol 0.30
    PEG-75 Lanolin 2.00 Petrolatum
    Mineral Oil 18.01
    Laneth-15 0.40
    PEG-24 Hydrogenated Lanolin
    0.20 Et
    hylated Soya Sterol 2.00

    1. Marie Gale

      I can’t figure out the percentages without a little more information. Are the amounts listed the percentages you were given? If so, they only add up to 43.16%, so something is missing.

      If the amounts listed are for amounts, I’d need to know that they were all ounces or grams by WEIGHT in order to calculate correctly.

  11. Great note about the water! I didn’t realize that was an option since I always default to listing what goes into the pot.

  12. Kathy Lynn

    Marie, can’t you just list them top to bottom by weight? I don’t understand why you have to figure their percentage?

    Thank you for all your work for us!

    1. Marie Gale

      Yes, by weight is the same as by percentage. For soaps, if the recipe is by weight, it might be easier. With cosmetics, where the recipe is normally by percentage, it can be done by percentage. This week I’ll do a follow-up post using just percentages, so you can see how it would work that way.

  13. Couple of “translation” tips I gave my students:

    “Of” means “times”.

    “%” means “divided by 100”.

    Frequently I’ll see in a soapmaking discussion someone asking how to calculate something that’s so simple to me, I wonder how anyone couldn’t just figure it out. I have to remember that plenty of people go thru much of their lives never having to figure something that requires them to figure more than 1 step. (On tax forms the steps are written, so people don’t need to figure them for themselves.) If you get enough practice with numeric problem solving, it comes easily; if not, it doesn’t.

    But even if you do have facility with it generally, it’s easy to brain-cramp from time to time. It took me a while to do the algebra correctly for how much to charge someone gross to net a certain amount after PayPal fees.

  14. This is such a convenient cheat-sheet! Gotta bookmark it for future reference 🙂

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