Get updates and news from Marie Gale! Closing December 31

foam pump

After much thought and internal debate, I have decided to close down as of December 31, 2011. It was a hard decision, but having made it, I must admit somewhat of a sense of relief. ForSoapmakers had gotten to the point that it had to grow to the next level (or not). I chose the “or not.”

While things were going okay, I realized that it was a path that I stepped onto 8 years ago by accident, not by design. While the trek has been interesting, it hasn’t really taken me where I wanted to go. I never did have a big desire to sell foam pump bottles, malibu tubes and powder shakers; it just sort of happened. One day I decided to host a co-op buy on foam pump bottles, the next month I decided I could sell them, the next month I was in business, and a year later I had a store! and employees!

Recently I took stock of all the different paths I am walking, the directions they are taking me, and (most importantly!) where I want to go. It’s amazing how easy it is to start following “interesting distractions” rather than staying on course and getting where you want to go.

I have several general areas that I want to focus in life: family, handcrafted soap industry, Scientology studies, genealogy research, our ranch, and website programming (not necessarily in that order). I’m gearing up for my New Year’s resolution to stay more focused on them, center my activities (including income generation) around them, and remove those interesting distractions. I expect the next 12-24 months to be a lot more fun!

As for, if you need to stock up on any of our primary products (foam pump bottles, malibu tubes, powder shakers, bulk body powder or other items), all orders received by December 10th will be filled before we close the doors.  (Orders received after December 10th will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis until stocks are gone or December 31, whichever comes first.) Oh, and the domain of is available for sale (email me if you are interested).

Update: At the last minute, I sold the whole business to Kevin Growns! As of 2024, it is still functioning and is still a great place to get Malibu Tubes, foam pump bottles, and powder shakers!

300 years of Natural Soap and Cosmetic Recipes cover

If you want inspiration for developing unique natural soap and cosmetics formulations of your own, or are intrigued by how things were done “back in the day,” get my book!


2 responses to “ Closing December 31”

  1. Wow Marie, this is the second soap-related business closure I’ve read about this morning! My inclination is to say I’m so sorry to hear it, but after reading your blog post above, it sounds like the right thing for you to do. It’s funny how when we are unfocused, all sorts of things can creep in and take us off track.

    I heard the term “accidental entrepreneur” the other day to describe someone who is looking for a job & ends up deciding to start their own business instead (which is what happened with me) and I think a lot of business decisions end up being accidental too.

    Good for you that you are deciding what you want your life to be and making decisions to support that. Selfishly I am glad to see the handcrafted soap industry made your list of areas of your life that you want to keep, since you are such a source of knowledge & inspiration for so many others. And I hope teaching (in one form or another) will still be on your list of things you want to continue.

    All the best to you always 🙂

    1. Well, it turns out that we got someone to purchase the business, so isn’t closing after all. But I will be out of it. I am very excited about having more time for the things in my life that I really want to do!

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