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FTC Updates “Made in the USA” Info

The FTC just updated the information on their website about the “Made in the USA” standard. Now it’s a little clearer to understand, without having to go read the actual regulations to decipher it.

What’s New

The standard was created nearly 30 years ago, and actual enforceable regulations were put in place in 2021. What is required to make a “Made in the USA” claim for your products hasn’t changed.

What is new is the updated page on the FTC website, which explains the regulations. It’s a nice, detailed page that gives some good examples of what constitutes a “Made in the USA” claim, how to calculate whether a product qualifies, and how to make a qualified claim.

Most of the examples on the FTC page deal with typical manufactured products; watches, furniture, lamps, appliances, and such.

For Soap and Cosmetics

If you’re making soap or cosmetics and want to know how the “Made in the USA” standard might apply to your business, check out my Made in the USA and Made in “My State” Claims posts. They are a little more “plain English” and give some actual examples for soaps, lotions, and bath fizzies.


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