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It’s harder than you think

ebay storeRunning away from home in our new RV is turning out to be a little more complicated than one would think. So many things to consider and take care of. The biggest issue is getting rid of all our STUFF, since it won’t fit in the RV!  The good news is that we’re making progress.  The bad news … lots more progress to be made!

What have we accomplished so far?

Hoarding Soapmaking Supplies … Who? Me?

Okay, it’s not really hoarding … exactly.  It’s more like there are all these things that I collected that I didn’t use and thought I might at some point and didn’t really want to get rid of but haven’t been above to use yet.  But, now I’m running away from home in my RV, and I don’t have ROOM for all that stuff.

I did manage to find someone locally here who took quite a bit (like a whole pickup truck full) … but I still have more.  IT. HAS. TO. GO.

It’s too much stuff to manage through facebook selling groups (I get confused). I thought for a while that it would end up going to Goodwill or the Salvation Army, or maybe the town-wide garage sale in July (or – worst case – the DUMP!!) … but then I had a brilliant idea.


I created my own ebay store, called Getting Ready to Hit the Road, and I’m listing all my stuff for sale.  Mostly I just want everything to go to good homes, where it will be used for some awesome product or to make someone happy.  Not looking to get rich here (especially since most of the expenses have already been written off tax-wise when I closed my business) … but then I don’t want to spend money to get rid of it either.  So, ebay.  Auctions. Low starting prices (mostly to cover shipping).  Great deals!

_IGP1841 - CopyThe store went live today, with my first 60 or so items, including an antique ceramic cold cream pot and two other antique items, some of my vintage soap related books, several types of glass and plastic bottles, caps and closures, some packaging supplies and materials, and more. It’s a start.  If this works, I’ll keep adding new items on a regular basis.  Watch my facebook page for notices of when new items are added.

Paper Be Gone!

Well, one thing we’ve done is go through a lot of our paper.  My ScanSnap Scanner has been a godsend, as has my premium Evernote subscription (which is where most of that scanned paper is getting stored).  How much paper?  Well ….

Scan and trash

You see a ruler in that picture? It’s 15 inches long. The total of all 6 piles (if stacked on top of each other) is about 12 feet.  Of. Paper.  One benefit of living on a ranch in the rainy spring is that we can burn all this stuff  (which we did).  Much better than having to shred everything and then get rid of the shredding.

There are still boxes of old files in storage (tax records back 10 years, and Jere’s old, old, old client files, amongst other things).  But it’s a start.

Now we just need to keep getting rid of paper and all that STUFF!

If you have a chance, visit my ebay store and see if there’s anything there that you just HAVE to have!



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