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Making the Ingredients Fit

Sometimes it can be hard to make the ingredient declaration fit on a label.

All Those Ingredients!

Some cosmetic products have many ingredients. That’s especially true if you have blended color additives where all of the individual components need to be listed, or when you want to include the scientific name for botanical ingredients.

The ingredient declaration must be at least 1/16 of an inch high, measuring an upper case letter when the text is in all uppercase, or measuring the lower case “o” when both upper and lower case are used.

Tip: Use a slightly condensed (narrow) font in all capital letters for the ingredient declaration so it takes up less space.

Compare the same ingredient declaration in different fonts. The lower case “o” in the upper and lower case measures the same as an uppercase letter in the all upper case text!

4th edition Soap and Cosmetic Labeling by Marie Gale

To really be able to create your own labels that comply with the regulations, get my book from Amazon and use it.

4th Edition – Released March 5, 2025!!!

Or order directly from me (and get a signed copy)!


One response to “Making the Ingredients Fit”

  1. Lori Nova Endres

    Excellent example of what a difference font choice can make on a product label. Sharing now. Thanks Marie!

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