Consistent products, standard records.
Every time.
Take your desire for the best product possible, and turn it into reality by putting your own good manufacturing practices in place.
170+ pages
Why this book?
Most people who make handcrafted soaps and cosmetics do so because they want better, safer, or more natural products and have a personal passion for what they are doing. They are conscientious in their selection of suppliers and raw materials, creative in their formulations, careful in their production and, in the end, proud of their finished products. They have control over every phase and aspect of the production cycle, from beginning to end, and are frequently hands-on during the entire process.
Large companies with many employees involved in manufacturing many thousands of product units at a time, do not have that same level of “hands-on” or personal passion. With increased levels of automation and numerous people in the process there comes an increased possibility for mix-ups or contamination of products—hence the need for detailed and exact procedures that can be double-checked and documented throughout the manufacturing cycle. Out of that need comes the concept of “good manufacturing practices.”
Establishing and then following good manufacturing practices in your own business is like having and using a GPS navigator to get around town. No matter how familiar you are with the streets, it takes a lot less effort to just follow the directions. The trick, of course, is having all the necessary information in the navigator to start with. That’s what GMP is all about—setting up the navigation system for your production and manufacturing, so you can avoid the potholes and steer clear of the factors that could potentially wreck your product.
I just want to say that I enjoyed reading your book. Since I work daily in an FDA environment for medical devices, I was very interested in your book. I was very pleased with the overall format, easy to read and follow along concepts building one’s GMP needs. I plan on keeping your book handy as a reference guide as we build our soap business.
— A.R.
It is my hope that this book will dispel some of the fear and anxiety about good manufacturing practices and provide you with practical advice about establishing good manufacturing practices that work for you, in your individual situation. As each piece of your GMP is put into place, you’ll find it becomes increasingly easy to consistently produce the unique, high-quality handcrafted soap and cosmetics that you and your customers expect—every product, every batch, every time.
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If you have the book and have used it to get in your own good manufacturing practices, I’d love your feedback! Send it to [email protected].