180+ topics
Details on many of the laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines for labeling, marketing, and product claims that might affect you, with checklists and guides to help you figure out which ones do apply.
500+ pages
Why This Book?
Have you ever felt blindsided by some rule, regulation, or standard that you didn’t know about? As I built my own soap and cosmetic business, I certainly did. And every time, I had a little feeling of, “Uh-oh! What else don’t I know?”
The journey from the hobby of making handcrafted soap and cosmetics to the realities of running a small business that is making, marketing, and selling products can be daunting. There are so many laws, rules, regulations, guides, and standards that must or should be followed! In this book I share my extensive research and experience, and map out the most likely obstacles and barriers you may encounter.
Some of the topics covered are:
- All aspects of labeling;
- Over 25 common cosmetic ingredients that have safety issues, regulations, or other details you should know;
- Information on 7 International Standards (ISO) that could apply to your products;
- Where to get safety information for cosmetic ingredients;
- Resources for fragrance safety;
- Heads-up on several upcoming changes that could affect your product labeling;
- Overviews of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets);
- Which agencies oversee different aspects of your business;
- Requirements for getting and using testimonials, endorsements, and certifications;
- And much more!
Learning what regulations are out there is a little like sailing in new waters. You can get lucky, happily sailing along without any problems. Or, like most sailors, sooner or later you crash into nearby rocks and cliffs or run aground on the shoals, reefs, and sand bars hidden just below the surface.
My goal is to provide you with the information you need to safely avoid the hazards and steer clear of potential catastrophe for your business.
The Navigating book just arrived yesterday and I am literally blown away! SOOOOOOO comprehensive! I am thrilled to have this as a VALUABLE resource! I can’t thank you enough! Your friendship, guidance and support is just a literal treasure to me! I have been having to learn on the job every. single. day and knowing you are there and using your tools has been absolutely invaluable! — P.L.
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