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Plastic Microbeads

Plastic microbeads are prohibited for use in rinse-off cosmetics. If a rinse-off cosmetic contains plastic microbeads, it is adulterated (and therefore illegal).1

Key Words to Know

Pastic Microbead:

Any solid plastic particle that is less than 5 millimeters in size and is intended to be used to exfoliate or cleanse the human body or any part thereof.
For reference, 5 mm is 0.197 inches (rounded) or 13/64 in (just slightly more than 3/16 in).


In 2015, the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 20152 was signed into law. It updated the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act to prohibit plastic microbeads in rinse-off cosmetics, including toothpaste (which is usually both a cosmetic and a drug). The ban took effect as of 2018.

Congress passed this law to address concerns about microbeads in the water supply.3 There is evidence that when plastic microbeads go down the drain they may not be effectively filtered in water treatment filtration systems and may end up in our lakes and oceans.4

Microbeads in the Environment5

Several states also have laws which ban products containing microbeads. Because the various state laws are different, Congress felt the need to have a single federal law that would apply nationally. The Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 includes a provision to preempt state law; no state or political subdivision of a state may establish or keep in effect any laws concerning plastic microbeads which aren’t identical to the federal restrictions.

Cosmetic Safety

According to the FDA, there is no evidence suggesting that plastic microbeads, as used in cosmetics, pose a human health concern.6

Other Micro-Plastic in Cosmetics

The Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 only prohibits plastic microbeads in cosmetics when they are used to cleanse or exfoliate. Micro-plastics which are used for other purposes are not prohibited. There is currently a proposal moving forward in the EU to ban intentionally added microbeads and microplastics in a variety of products, including cosmetics.7

Glitter, used in everything from eye shadow to hair spray, is most often made taking a very thin sheet of plastic, most commonly polyethylene terephthalate (PET plastic) and bonding color(s) to it. The sheet is cut into small particles, ranging from 0.065 mm to 3.125 mm.8  In essence, glitter IS a micro-plastic but it is not banned because it is not used to cleanse or exfoliate.

Navigating the Rules and Regs book by Marie Gale

Besides labeling, there are many other laws and regulations that apply to handcrafters. To find out which ones apply to you and how to comply with them, buy my book and keep it handy!

  1. 21 USC 331(ddd) ↩︎
  2. Pub.L. 114–114 ↩︎
  3. ↩︎
  4. ↩︎
  5. Courtesy of ↩︎
  6. ↩︎
  7. Registry of restriction intentions until outcome; microplastics ↩︎
  8. Girly Bits Cosmetics – Glitter Size Chart ↩︎


3 responses to “Plastic Microbeads”

  1. I refuse to use glitters of any kind. The so called “bio-glitters” are not good either. I also use nothing in my products that would pose harm to either people, fish or animals. Our water is bad enough without polluting it more in the name of beauty. Just my opinion.

  2. This is something I would never have thought about. Would this include things like jojoba beads? Thank you for always keeping us informed.

    1. Jojoba beads are made from jojoba wax and are plant-based. They dissolve into an oil and don’t muck up the systems or the environment. I think they started rising in popularity as a replacement for plastic microbeads in cosmetics, especially for handcrafters.

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