Wishing you a bright, happy, and productive New Year!
As we ring in the New Year, it’s a time for reflection and resolutions to make the next year even better than the last. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
My Resolutions
As with most people, I have my resolutions for 2023, which I thought I might share.
My biggest (professional) goal is to stay on top of the coming changes to the cosmetic regulations that are going to happen as a result of the passage of the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulations Act. The rulemaking process is pretty involved. All of it is public record, but it takes staying on top of the notices and schedules. My alerts are set up… I think I’m ready! (Don’t worry, I’ll continue to post as the process moves along. And check out my new book on complying with MoCRA, which will be kept up to date as well.)
I also want to be prepared to update the Soap and Cosmetic Labeling book when everything is finalized. That’s probably actually a resolution for 2024, but I’ll be doing the preps this year as things move along.
Part of my business (but also my passion) is helping others with their labeling and GMP. I’ll be doing a class at the HSCG Conference in May and have plans to continue to update my blog. My new goal for 2023 is to expand what I’m doing to make the rules and regs more understandable—maybe adding some on-line classes alongside the label reviews and consulting I already offer.
On a personal level, I have several resolutions as well. Top of the list there’s the never-ending “lose weight” goal. I am pleased to say that this year it’s actually “continue losing weight” and that seems to be pretty attainable. Right with that are the traditional “stay healthy” and “excerise more” goals, which again are more of a “continue” than a start from scratch.
Also very important is spending as much time as I can with my 4 little grand-daughters (currently ages 3 to 12), and maintaining my connection with the older twin grand-daughters (26 now, I think) who live across the country. I also have a brother, nieces, nephews and cousins spread all over that I want to stay in touch with.
I also plan to make SERIOUS inroads into my project of compiling and publishing my family history. It got a major increase in scope when I received boxes and boxes of photos and archival materials from my sister, who passed away this last fall. It is both a blessing and a curse to have several generations before me who kept documentation of their lives and ancestors. I see more books in my future.
Finally, I plan to continue with my involvement with the Church of Scientology by volunteering for community activities with my local Church in Seattle and continuing my studies in order to improve my life on a personal and spiritual level.

Shameless plug!
To find out how MoCRA applies to you, what you need to do, and when you need to do it by, get my book from Amazon and use it.
Up to date as of May 2024.
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