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Soapmaker’s Handy Reference Guide

Soapmaker's Handy Reference Guide

(Updated 2024: This guide is out of print and not currently available.)

May 2013: Not one to rest on my laurels, I’ve produced another book for soapmakers (also for cosmetic makers, even though that’s not in the name). The Soapmaker’s Handy Reference Guide was released at the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild’s 2013 Annual Conference last week and was very well received.

This little book contains the formulas, facts and stats that come in super handy when you’re in the middle of making product. And it’s printed on water-proof, oil-proof paper, so you can pick it up and use it when you’re deep in the middle of work.

In it you’ll find:

  • conversions for many different units of weight, volume (liquid), length and temperature;
  • math calculations (fractions, decimal and percentages) and math formulas
  • basic labeling requirements and how to calculate the size of your principal display panel and text sizes for your net weight and ingredient declarations
  • lye and water calculation formulas (for both NaOH and KOH), superfat calculations, lye discount and a SAP chart for most common (and uncommon) oils and fats.

There’s also a place to record your own notes for easy reference.

The book is $8.95, with free shipping in the US (by US media mail).  You can order the book on my website.


12 responses to “Soapmaker’s Handy Reference Guide”

  1. MarIs there any chance this book will be re reproduced and printed again? I love it and I’d like to share it.

    1. Marie Gale

      At this point, I don’t believe it will be republished. Sorry.

  2. Hello
    Are the sap values in the guide for NaOH or KOH?

    1. Marie Gale

      Standard SAP values are in terms of KOH. There are formulae for KOH and converting to calculate for NaOH.

  3. Hello,
    My friend had some of your soap and she told me to go to Myrtle Point to get some. Sadly I went there and was told you closed down. Do you have ANY bar soap for sale? I housesat for her and LOVED your soap.

    1. I’m sorry, but I don’t have any soap for sale. You can check the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild’s “Maker’s Marketplace” for others who make handcrafted soap.

      1. Thanks for the reply. Is there a soapmaker that has soap close to what yours was? I liked that is was low sudsing and exfoliating and not a strong smell.

  4. Wow, a new book – how exciting! Congratulations, Marie 🙂

  5. Thanks for the book! I picked one up at the HSCG conference in Raleigh. Great job as always!

  6. Hello, I’m a blind business owner and soap maker. Will you ever produce your books in audio format? It would be great to purchase the book with audio on a CD.

    Barry Carver
    Mountain Crafted | It Just Makes Good Scents

    1. MarieGale

      At this time I don’t have plans for audio books. I’m very sorry!

      1. Thanks for the reply, I understand the reason why you can’t, I was just wondering. Also all the infomation you post is a great help, thanks bunches! barry Carver

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